![Stacked from 10 images. Method=B (R=8,S=4)](https://shorttrackrr.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/2023-09-08-12-01-46-BR8S4-with-sky-HD.jpg)
Short Track N-Scale Model Railroad Guild
Scavenger Hunt
Have fun while experiencing the Donner Pass Exhibit by finding both historic artifacts and crazy “treasures” littered about the scene using the clues below. You will need a sharp eye to find them, but if you need help, click on the clue and receive a bit of help.
“Easy” Scavenger Hunt #1
ACME Truck
Douglas DC3
School Bus
Bee Keepers
Colfax Market
King of the Hill
Carried away by Balloons
Road Maintenance Crew
“Medium” Scavenger Hunt #1
Time “Pair-of-Docs”
Father & Son Duel
Jeep Over the Edge
“Bear”-ly Escaped
Ghost Town
Wedding Party
Millie P
Suburban Propane
“Hard” Scavenger Hunt #1
Dave’s Hardware
Flying A Service
Walker’s Toggery
Bike Rack
Picnic Interrupted (Yogi)
Harmonica Player
Firefighters scurry off the mountain as the fire begins to grow. An airplane above unleases its retardant to hopefully squash the fire.
Flying high over the mountains a Douglas “DC-3” with its passangers makes its way westward to Sacramento after taking off from Reno
This sawmill just east of town was built in 1955 and lasted until 1989. At its peak, the mill could handle 45 million board-feet a year! However, today its a vacant lot waiting to be developed (as a possible railroad museum?).
With its load of children excited to go home and play after a long day of school, this school bus driver must wait patiently at the railroad crossing to make sure the track is clear.
These bee keepers are carefully preparing to unleash their bees on the nearby orchard thereby ensuring a new crop for the farmer (as well as a supply of honey to sell).
The Colfax Market was the first brick building in town and opened in 1865 as a General Merchandise Store. It is still open today!
“King of the Hill” was a cartoon on Fox between 1997 and 2009. Many times Hank Hill and his buddies would just stand outside and a talk about the news of the day, sometimes over a cold beer. (Can you name them all?)
Oh no! This street vendor tried to carry too many balloons. Don’t worry, it seems he is just floating in mid air.
No surprise that California mountain roads need regular maintaenance. However, it looks like this road crew is on a lunch break and no where to be found!
More typically “spotted” in the Pacific Northwest, this Sasquatch or
“Bigfoot” decided to migrate south to the Sierras to watch the trains go by.
This poor guy was shocked to find a a bear roaming around inside the warehouse. Do you think he will escape from the bear hot on his heels?
This jeep is headed over the cliff. Hopefully the driver will be OK after jumping free just before disaster.
Straight out of the movie “Back to the Future”, Doc and Marty in their modified Delorean seems to have landed in our 1960’s town.
This ghost town may be the backdrop for a western movie. Many movies have been filmed in and around Truckee.
What a wonderful day for a wedding as the newly married happy couple exits the church to a many friends and family.
“El Cid” was the name of a 1961 blockbuster movie staring Charlton Heston and Sophia Loren. It is currently playing at the local theater.
These children look like they’re having fun, but look out! – this slide has quite the plunge! Is Mom paying attention?
It looks like the person in the row boat is being chased by 3 barrels. But if you look closely you will see the dorsal fin of a great white shark edging closer. But what is Jaws doing in a small freshwater lake?
These colorful bikes are all neatly parked in the rack. Which one do you think is going to be ridden by the man walking towards them?
Looks like Yogi smells a picnic basket for the taking. Where is Ranger Smith when you need him?
The actual Flying A Service Station opened in 1938 in a style found in other stations in California. After being remodeled in 2008, this one has now been used a clothing store, brewery, and currently as a real estate office.
With its prominent sign easily visible from the passing trains, Walker’s Toggery specialized in selling clothing in the day. This store front though has seen many owners including a grocery store, art collection, and bank. Nevertheless, the sign still remains today!
Safely nestled in the shade below an old train overpass, this fellow is taking a break playing his harmonica.
Probably the last hardware store you would find before leaving Nevada on the way to California on US 40.
This mischieveous worker is having a bit of fun trying to tip over the Porta-Potty. Could his foreman be inside?