Short Track N-Scale Model Railroad Guild
Why join our guild …
For many years and now nearing completion, we have been modeling a permanent N scale layout of the Southern Pacific Railroad over Donner Pass from Roseville, California to Sparks, Nevada and points between which we call the Donner Pass Exhibit. Our goal has been to create a museum quality representation of the 1955-1975 era of the Southern Pacific along this historic transcontinental route that was so important to California and US history. This layout currently provides us (and our many weekend visitors) with the enjoyment of running multiple trains and conducting operations throughout its various towns, cities, industries and scenic passages.
And now to compliment the Donner Pass Exhibit, in 2023 the guild has begun a new layout called the Feather River Route featuring the Western Pacific Railroad between Oroville, California and Reno, Nevada. This exciting new layout will require the help of many members to bring it to completion over the next few years. Come be part of this project! All levels of experience and skill are invited.
We organize ourselves around teams with current Short Track guild members, including Master Model Railroaders and other modeling veterans, as well as those just learning the hobby of model railroading. We have experience in layout design, scenery construction, model structures, DCC, LCC and electronics, motive power and rolling stock. Everyone has opportunities to learn and contribute!

It’s easy to join the Short Track N-Scale Model Railroad guild. Our regular business meetings are at 6:30 PM the first Thursday of every month at the Section House on the grounds of the Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum. We also have activities most other Thursdays at 6:30 PM including operations and clinics (contact us for our schedule). You can join us any Saturday or Sunday between 10 AM and 4 PM. Stop by to meet some of the members and see what we’re working on.
What We Offer
- A group of fun-loving, friendly members with a great spirit of camaraderie.
- A dedicated facility where we are regularly running trains on our Donner Pass exhibit and beginning hands-on construction of our new Feather River Route.
- Monthly how-to clinics
- Realistic railroad operating and switching sessions.
- An opportunity to learn about and participate in model railroading.
- The chance to interact with visitors to explain the history and significance of these model railroad layouts of California.
- Further information for new members can be found by clicking on the button
Requirements to join
- Must be at least 18 years old. (Kids can join with an adult)
- Fill out membership application (which you can download here).
- Program fees for the guild are $70/year and required membership with the Museum (currently $55/year).
- You can submit your application to [email protected].